

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Suit: Asian female pharmacist faced discrimination at Mercy Catholic Medical Center

Federal Court
Hammer gavel

PHILADELPHIA — An Asian female pharmacist alleges she suffered discrimination while working at Mercy Catholic Medical Center. 

Shaila Chempakaseril fild a complaint Aug. 9 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Mercy Catholic Medical Center-Mercy Fitzgerald Campus alleging civil rights violations and other claims. 

Chempakaseril, an Asian woman, started working as a clinical/staff pharmacist for Mercy in September of 2015, according to her suit. She alleges that she faced continued discrimination from the pharmacy manager Kelly Morrison including Morrison stating that she preferred to work with male employees and that she intentionally removed female applicants' applications. 

Chempakaseril also alleges that her male coworkers were offered professional development opportunities and that only males were selected to a national meeting in December of 2019, despite female employees being equally qualified to attend. Chempakaseril, who resigned in April of 2020, claims Morrison also berated her and subjected her to unfair disciplinary practices and that she was passed up for several positions that were eventually given to white males. 

She further claims she was subjected to a "burdensome" work schedule after returning from FMLA leave. 

Chempakaseril seeks monetary relief, interest and all other just relief. She is represented by Prabhu Narahari of Manes & Narahari LLC in Pittsburgh. 

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania case number 2:21-CV-03531-RBS

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