A city man is suing a Hibachi restaurant in Northeast Philadelphia over claims that he
developed a blood clot in his leg that required a visit to a hospital’s emergency room after he slipped and fell on a wet floor at the eatery earlier this summer.
Colmon Holmes claims he sustained a variety of injuries on June 29 after taking a spill at the Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet of Philadelphia, located at 2051 Cottman Avenue.
The fall was caused by a floor that had remained wet after it was mopped by restaurant employees, the suit claims.
The complaint, which was filed Sept. 13 by Philadelphia attorney Robert P. Fine, of the firm Fine & Staud LLP, accuses the defendants, the Hibachi Grill and its owner, C & L Bistro Inc., of negligence for failing to ensure that the premises was safe for business invitees.
As a result of his fall, the suit states, Holmes sustained injuries to his left knee, back, left hip and left leg, including blood clotting and deep venous thrombosis in his left leg, which required emergency room and in-patient hospitalizations.
Holmes also sustained injuries to his blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles and soft tissue throughout various parts of his body, as well as suffering aches, pains, inconvenience, loss of life’s pleasures and humiliation.
Holmes was caused to spend large sums of money on medical care and his injuries have caused the plaintiff to experience restrictions and limitations in his normal duties and activities, the lawsuit alleges.
Holmes seeks damages in excess of $50,000.
A jury trial has been demanded.
The case ID number is 120901545.
Phila. Hibachi restaurant faces injury claim by customer who developed blood clot as a result of fall on wet floor