
Our View News on Pennsylvania Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

Our View News

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Our View

Pennsylvania's Supreme Court loses no sleep after bending the law to help personal injury lawyers

By The Pennsylvania Record |
The message to legislators is clear: We can do whatever we want to the laws you come up with.

Our View

Somewhere, Tim Robbins is laughing at Philadelphia

By The Pennsylvania Record |
"That’s like saying, ‘I want gajillion bajillion dollars!’”

Our View

Own a home in Philadelphia? There’s a lawsuit on your doorstep that you might not know about

By The Pennsylvania Record |
It’s not always easy to see how the civil justice system can affect everyday life, but one lawsuit in Philadelphia literally is hitting close to home for property owners in the city.

Our View

Would you bet $15 million on a lawsuit?

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Irish real estate magnate Garrett Kelleher is on tilt in Philadelphia – and not at SugarHouse’s poker room. With millions in the pot, he’s holding 2-7 off-suit and going heads-up with a federal judge with pocket aces.

Our View

When the lawyers declared war on the Slovenes in Pittsburgh

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Every year, thousands of people of Slovene descent meet to celebrate their heritage. Lawyers have introduced them to the American tradition of suing for our injuries.

Our View

A Supreme Court ruling falls on deaf ears in Pennsylvania

By The Pennsylvania Record |
It’s one of life’s major annoyances – being forced to repeat oneself because someone isn’t paying attention.

Our View

American Law Institute symposium raises eyebrows

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Eyebrows were raised and speculation prompted when the Philadelphia-based American Law Institute (ALI) announced that one of its symposia discussing the newly-adopted Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance would include a pair of judges in a federal courthouse.

Our View

This is a dog of a lawsuit

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Janeen Gismondo fell down in a pet store filled with puppies. When she got up, she and a lawyer went looking for someone to blame.

Our View

A world with fewer doctors, more lawyers

By The Pennsylvania Record |
For trial lawyers, the days before a 2002 law addressed health care costs are worth going back to, and the state Supreme Court might be ready to send Pennsylvania back to those dark days.

Our View

Finally, a government tired of lawyers who waste its resources

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Trump's DOJ says it spent 1,500 hours reviewing lawsuits that have no chance of success

Our View

Suing over hurt feelings

By The Pennsylvania Record |
It hurts to not be wanted, but if you’re picked last for dodgeball or if your crush says no to a date, there are methods for dealing with rejection.

Our View

The unruly inner child in an asbestos lawyer

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Attorneys in Pennsylvania are claiming the law doesn't apply to them

Our View

Protecting accused pedophile priests: A terrible tradition continues in Pennsylvania

By The Pennsylvania Record |
The cover-up persists with the redaction of names of priests accused of sexual abuse in five dioceses

Our View

A reputation is a terrible thing to waste

By The Pennsylvania Record |
The American Law Institute is in danger of losing the influence its members have earned over the past century

Our View

A thin-skinned town council in Dauphin County is waging war on free speech

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Government officials in Middletown won't pay the Press & Journal to publish public notices unless the paper stops criticizing them.

Our View

'Verdilization': It's how a baby lawsuit is made

By The Pennsylvania Record |
All it takes is one maturing into a headline-grabbing, multimillion-dollar verdict to spawn thousands more like it.

Our View

On burned couches and retardant lawsuits

By The Pennsylvania Record |
He blames an apartment fire on his couch for not being fireproof. His landlord says a lit cigarette was the real problem

Our View

Where’s the fire? As usual, it’s in Philadelphia’s courthouse

By The Pennsylvania Record |
Plaintiffs from out-of-state continue to seek jackpots in Philadelphia court, and an appeals court sees nothing wrong with that.