
Man sues Abbey Group claiming he was demoted, fired because of his age


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Man sues Abbey Group claiming he was demoted, fired because of his age


PHILADELPHIA – A Sewickley man is suing his former employer alleging that he was discriminated against because of his age and was unfairly terminated.

Thomas P. Getty, 69, filed a complaint on Dec. 9 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Abbey Group Cos. and Abby Color Inc., alleging violations of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

According to the complaint, Getty was employed by the defendant from 2004 until 2011, and during his time with the company the plaintiff worked as a quality control manager. The plaintiff allegedly performed excellently at work. In November 2011, Getty allegedly was told that there would be a change in the company, and a younger employee was promoted to Getty's position and Getty was demoted. The complaint states that because Getty didn't resign after the demotion, he was suspended and then terminated in December 2011. Both Getty and another older employee allegedly were terminated from the company.

Getty is seeking compensation for lost wages, benefits and all legal fees incurred. He is represented by Robert A. Davitch and Fernando I. Rivera of Sidkoff, Pincus and Green PC in Philadelphia.

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case number 2:15-CV-06527

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