
Son and mother sue apartment operator for negligence


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Son and mother sue apartment operator for negligence


MEDIA — An apartment complex faces litigation after a glass door broke and sliced a boy's arm.

Jing Zhao, on behalf of her son Ziquan Mao, filed a complaint on Aug. 24 in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas against Swarthmore Apartments, alleging negligence.

According to the complaint, the boy was leaving the complex through a glass door when it broke. He suffered a laceration to his right forearm requiring 21 stitches and injuries to the nerve, the complaint states. The plaintiffs hold the apartment complex responsible for failing to provide adequate warning of the dangerous condition and not using shatterproof glass.

The plaintiffs request a trial by jury and seek damages in excess of the arbitration limits of the court. They are represented by David S. Berman of Matkoff, Shengold, Burke, Blyweiss & Arbitter in Philadelphia.

Delaware County Court of Common Pleas

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