
FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP: Prescriptions for COVID-19 Related Securities Claims: SEC Guidance and Relief


Friday, March 28, 2025

FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP: Prescriptions for COVID-19 Related Securities Claims: SEC Guidance and Relief


Fagre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP recently issued the following announcement.

In response to the current crisis, public companies, investment advisers and funds, as well as other market participants, have attracted a variety of COVID-19 related securities claims by the SEC, DOJ and private shareholders despite the SEC’s disclosure guidance and relief. Our presenters in this session will share insights on the SEC’s coordinated approach to the pandemic, investor protection efforts, COVID-19 related securities litigation, and relief for issuers, investment advisers and funds regarding certain filings and deliveries.

This program is part of a weekly webinar series dissecting current and potential areas of fraudulent activity within relief programs and pharmacotherapeutic innovation overseen by numerous government agencies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The series will focus on government enforcement risks under various government programs and SEC enforcement, as well as fraud risks facing health care payers and providers as the targets of scammers.

Date: September 23, 2020

Original source can be found here.


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