
Former Pennsylvania Department of Corrections officer alleges sexual harassment by co-workers


Monday, March 3, 2025

Former Pennsylvania Department of Corrections officer alleges sexual harassment by co-workers

Federal Court
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PITTSBURGH — A former Pennsylvania Department of Corrections officer claims she suffered sexual harassment from her male co-workers. 

Kristy Lamber filed a complaint Dec. 7 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections alleging civil rights violations. 

Lamber, according to her complaint, began working as a correctional officer at the State Correctional Institution of Somerset on Aug. 10, 2020. She claims that she suffered pervasive sexual harassment and sex discrimination including a fellow officer making comments about the upper half of her body and often stating that she should give him a kiss as well as grabbing her hair.  

She also claims another co-worker grabbed and smacked her buttocks and asked if she had plans for the evening. Lamber alleges that she reported the incidents to the shift commander, who failed to take any steps to correct the issue and that she faced retaliation including being denied employment advancement and being called a "snitch." She claims she resigned on May 11, 2021, due to the hostile work environment which caused a decline in her mental health. 

Lamber seeks monetary relief of at least $150,000, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. She is represented by Benjamin Salvina of The Murphy Law Group LLC in Philadelphia. 

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania case number 3:21-211

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