
20-year Union Railroad worker claims he suffered occupational injuries


Saturday, March 29, 2025

20-year Union Railroad worker claims he suffered occupational injuries


PITTSBURGH — A Union Railroad worker alleges he suffered occupational injuries after working as a signal worker and technician for more than 20 years.  

James E. Lorh, Jr., filed a complaint July 26 in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County against Union Railroad Company LLC alleging negligence. 

Lorh, according to his complaint, began to work for Union Railroad in 1999. He alleges that during his career as a signal worker and signal technician with Union Railroad, he was exposed to unsafe work conditions which caused him to suffer occupational injuries. 

Specifically, Lorh claims his work included frequent digging, frequent use of impact and power tools as well as welding work and work with heavy socket wrenches. He also claims his work required hammering, chiseling and grinding - all of which caused him to suffer joint arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and "complex regional pain syndrome." 

Lorh alleges Union Railroad failed to take reasonable steps to "offset the unsafe working conditions," or have adequate supervision. He further alleges that his "repetitive occupational trauma" was due to Union Railroad's breaching its duty under the Federal Employers' Liability Act.  

Lorh seeks monetary relief, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by David Lockard of David L. Lockard & Associates in Philadelphia.  

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