

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lawsuit says Pa. town resists hiring Black applicants

Webp thomasbanderson

Anderson | Bordas & Bordas

PITTSBURGH - A Black man says he was told by Rochester's Black mayor that the town has not and will not hire Black job applicants.

Essex Law filed a lawsuit May 23 in federal court against the Borough of Rochester, alleging racial discrimination under federal and state laws. 

The plaintiff claims that his employment applications were repeatedly misplaced by the Borough, which has not hired an African American employee in more than 50 years. 

Law was trying to find a place in the borough's maintenance department in 2023. The suit says Mayor Keith Jackson told him the borough was not hiring Black employees at the time.

Law's son and brother also failed to obtain employment with Rochester.

"At the May 15, 2023, meeting, Mr. Law was advised that the Borough had no applicants for open positions," the suit says. "Yet... the Borough's maintenance supervisor thereafter hired a Caucasian friend to fill the maintenance position Law had repeatedly tried to obtain."

The complaint alleges violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. Law seeks compensatory and punitive damages, back pay, front pay, and attorney's fees.

Law's lawyer is Thomas Anderson of Bordas and Bordas.


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