

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Small Business Owner Alleges Coordinated Fraud Against Online Meat Retailer

Federal Court
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Frank Tufano, the owner of "Frankie's Free Range Meat," has filed a verified complaint against multiple defendants, alleging a coordinated effort to defraud his online meat retail business. The complaint was filed on May 22, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

According to the court documents, Tufano's business has suffered significant financial losses due to fraudulent chargebacks amounting to $15,731.34 over several years. He asserts that these chargebacks were not isolated incidents but part of an organized conspiracy by a group he refers to as "Frankie's Free Range Meat Conspirators." Tufano's other online ventures—a supplement store, a natural cosmetic products store, and a clothing store—have not experienced similar issues, which he believes underscores the targeted nature of these attacks.

Tufano claims that many customers who filed chargebacks did so without attempting to resolve their issues directly with him. He noticed patterns in their complaints, such as claiming products arrived in poor condition without proof or asserting that items were not grass-fed despite clear labeling. Some customers also misinterpreted the "freeze-by" date as an expiration date and used this as grounds for their chargebacks.

The plaintiff alleges that these actions are part of a broader conspiracy aimed at damaging his business's reputation and financial stability. He states that banks initially sided with the fraudulent customers but began favoring him after he refined his refund policy and became more specific in his chargeback appeals. Despite this progress, Tufano continues to face harassment from these individuals on a weekly basis.

Tufano is seeking several forms of relief from the court. He requests that all fraudulent reviews be amended or removed to reflect accurate experiences with his business. Additionally, he seeks repayment for the value of orders lost through fraudulent chargebacks totaling $15,731.34. Furthermore, he demands $375,000 in damages for slanderous reviews and another $187,500 for loss of working capital that could have been used to improve business operations.

The case is being overseen by Judge DFB under Case No. 3:24-cv-00846-DFB. Frank Tufano is representing himself in this matter.

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