

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Former Employee Sues Major Bakery Company Over Sexual Harassment Claims

Federal Court
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In a shocking revelation, a former employee has accused a major bakery company of severe sexual harassment and retaliation. Keryn Pippinger filed the complaint against Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on June 10, 2024.

According to the court documents, Pippinger alleges that her tenure at Bimbo Bakeries was marred by continuous sexual harassment from Dwayne Engle, the Quality Food Safety Manager. The harassment began shortly after she was promoted to Utility Lead in April 2022. Engle's inappropriate behavior included making lewd comments about her body, offering her benefits in exchange for sexual favors, and even installing blinds in his office to conceal their meetings. Pippinger recounts an incident where Engle said he wanted to "Rocky Balboa" her breasts while making boxing gestures. Despite reporting this to her immediate supervisor Jaime Briggs, no action was taken.

The harassment escalated when Engle started asking Pippinger out on dates and offering monetary incentives for tattoos if she accompanied him. When she declined, Engle's demeanor turned hostile, leading to further workplace tension. On one occasion, he explicitly told her that he would only support her career if she complied with his advances.

Pippinger's breaking point came when Engle attempted to block her exit from a room while professing his love and suggesting they could be together if she accepted a supervisory position he promised. This led Pippinger to report the harassment to HR, which resulted in an investigation that ultimately led to Engle's termination on June 9, 2023.

Pippinger is seeking various forms of relief from the court including back pay, front pay, compensatory damages for emotional distress, punitive damages for malicious conduct by Bimbo Bakeries USA Inc., and legal fees. She claims that due to the hostile work environment and subsequent retaliation after reporting the harassment, she suffered significant mental health issues including PTSD and depression.

Representing Pippinger is Marc E. Weinstein of Weinstein Law Firm LLC. The case is presided over by Judge Joseph F. Leeson Jr., under Case ID 5:24-cv-02533-JFL.

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