

Monday, July 8, 2024

Football Coach Alleges Racial Discrimination Against Pennsylvania School District

Federal Court
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A high school football coach has filed a lawsuit against a Pennsylvania school district, alleging racial discrimination and wrongful termination. Lloyd Brooks, represented by Broughal & DeVito, L.L.P., filed the complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on June 17, 2024, accusing Wilson Area School District (WASD) of discriminatory practices that led to his firing.

Brooks claims he was subjected to a series of racially motivated actions and harassment during his tenure as the first African American head football coach at WASD. According to the complaint, Brooks was hired on March 21, 2023, but faced numerous challenges due to his race. The allegations include being wrongfully terminated following an incident where he rewarded a student with McDonald's lunch for positive behavior—a practice sanctioned by his full-time employer, Communities in Schools (CIS). The student's father objected to this reward system, leading to an investigation by the Allentown School District which concluded without any adverse findings against Brooks.

Despite this clearance, WASD officials reported the incident to Northampton County Children & Youth Services based on a summary Brooks was instructed to write. This action created an "open case" that WASD then used as grounds for his termination on August 14, 2023. Brooks alleges that this move was racially motivated and contrasts it with more lenient treatments given to white coaches who committed more severe infractions.

The complaint details how white coaches at WASD engaged in misconduct such as physical aggression towards students, vaping on school grounds, making racial comments, inappropriate interactions with female students, and violating privacy laws without facing termination or significant discipline. In contrast, Brooks was fired for an incident deemed non-reportable by another school district's investigation.

Brooks also accuses WASD administrators of spreading false rumors about him engaging in sexual activities with underage children and failing to address these rumors adequately. He asserts that these actions created a hostile work environment aimed at forcing him out due to his race.

In seeking justice from the court, Brooks requests back pay, front pay, punitive damages, compensatory damages, attorney fees, and any other relief deemed appropriate by the court. The case underscores ongoing issues of racial discrimination within educational institutions and highlights the need for equitable treatment across all races.

The attorneys representing Lloyd Brooks are John S. Harrison and Erika A. Farkas from Broughal & DeVito L.L.P., while the presiding judge is yet to be determined under Case ID: 5:24-cv-02651-JFL.

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