

Monday, July 8, 2024

Parents Sue Teacher and School Officials Over Alleged Abuse of Special Needs Child

Federal Court
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A shocking lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, alleging severe misconduct by a teacher and negligence by school officials. On June 21, 2024, Sarah and Vince Worden, represented by The Mattioli Law Firm, lodged a complaint against Michele Wilson, Mid Valley School District, Superintendent Patrick Sheehan, and Principal Brian Kelly.

The case revolves around an incident on November 6, 2023, involving the Wordens' ten-year-old son OW, who has ADHD and impulse control issues. According to the complaint, during a drama class at Mid Valley Elementary School, teacher Michele Wilson allegedly duct-taped OW's foot to the stage after he moved around during practice. The suit claims Wilson yelled at OW in front of his classmates, saying "I’m sick of this, don’t you dare take this off and don’t you dare remove this." This public humiliation reportedly caused OW significant emotional distress. Other students laughed at him while he struggled to keep the tape adhered to avoid further punishment from Wilson.

The Wordens argue that Wilson's actions were not isolated incidents but part of a pattern of abusive behavior known to school officials. They allege that despite previous complaints from parents about Wilson's harsh disciplinary methods, which often left students in tears, no substantial action was taken against her. After a purportedly superficial investigation into the November incident by Sheehan and Kelly, Wilson was allowed to return to her teaching duties without any repercussions.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory damages for physical pain and emotional suffering endured by their son due to the alleged abuse. They also demand punitive damages against all defendants for what they describe as willful and malicious conduct. The lawsuit cites violations of civil rights under 42 U.S.C. §1983 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), among other state laws.

Representing Sarah and Vince Worden are attorneys Jason J. Mattioli and Michael J. Ossont from The Mattioli Law Firm. The case is being overseen by Judge Karoline Mehalchick under Case ID: 3:24-cv-01027-KM.

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