Recent News About Gov. Tom Wolf
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PITTSBURGH – Litigation from a local man with a chronic lung condition against a Western Pennsylvania supermarket, a suit alleging it violated the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act when it turned him away for his decision not to wear a mask while shopping in June 2020, has been dismissed without prejudice.
HARRISBURG – A 5-2 majority of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has affirmed a state’s law permitting mail-in voting, reversing a contrary finding reached in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in January.
PITTSBURGH – A Western Pennsylvania supermarket counters litigation from a local man with a chronic lung condition, a suit alleging it violated the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act when it turned him away for his decision not to wear a mask while shopping in June 2020, by arguing he failed to exhaust his administrative remedies.
PITTSBURGH – A Western Pennsylvania man with a chronic lung condition says his local supermarket violated the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, when it turned him away for his decision not to wear a mask while shopping in June 2020.
HARRISBURG – A 3-2 majority of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has ruled that the state’s law permitting mail-in voting is unconstitutional, a finding immediately appealed by the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf to the state Supreme Court.
HARRISBURG – A few weeks after throwing out the statewide school mask mandate issued by now-former Secretary of Health Alison Beam in September, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania released its rationale for doing so.
HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf announced Monday that the Commonwealth’s Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam would resign her position at the end of the year, just three days after the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania struck down a statewide school mask mandate order that she issued in September.
HARRISBURG – The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has nullified the statewide school mask mandate issued by Secretary of Health Alison Beam in September, aligning with a similar ruling from the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania handed down last month and dealing a legal blow to the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf.
PHILADELPHIA – After hearing oral arguments from counsel representing both the Republican gubernatorial candidate and Senate President pro tempore Jake Corman and the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, citizens await a forthcoming decision on the fate of the statewide school mask mandate from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURG – The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania will hear oral arguments on the statewide school mask mandate on Dec. 8, pitting opponents of the mandate including a Republican gubernatorial candidate and Senate President pro tempore, versus the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf.
HARRISBURG – The Republican leader of the Pennsylvania Senate, a Republican state representative and a group of parents have seen their efforts to overturn a statewide school mask mandate issued by the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, bolstered in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURG – The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania recently ruled that legal action to prohibit electronic voting machines from being used in Northampton County and other Pennsylvania counties may proceed.
HARRISBURG – The Republican leader of the Pennsylvania Senate, a Republican state representative and a group of parents are litigating to overturn a statewide school mask mandate issued by the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf.
PHILADELPHIA – A federal appeals court has overturned a lower court ruling which eliminated Gov. Tom Wolf’s unprecedented COVID-19 emergency restrictions, finding the issue to be moot because not only have those restrictions expired in the interim, but voters statewide have also since amended the state constitution to roll back a governor’s range of emergency powers.
PHILADELPHIA – The Borough of West Chester has won dismissal of a lawsuit filed against the municipality and its former mayor, which challenged the constitutionality of their emergency declaration orders issued during the coronavirus pandemic.
PITTSBURGH – A mutual consent order of permanent injunction has ended defamation litigation from a Pittsburgh restaurant against one of its former servers, who had accused the business of multiple forms of wrongdoing on social media and elsewhere.
PHILADELPHIA – While the Borough of West Chester feels that a lawsuit filed against the municipality and its former mayor which challenged the constitutionality of their emergency declaration orders issued during the coronavirus pandemic is moot, the plaintiffs counter that the issue is not resolved.
PHILADELPHIA – An attorney representing Butler County, a county which contested the legality of Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 emergency measures before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, agrees with a federal judge that state officials should never again enact policies which violate the constitutional rights of Pennsylvanians.
HARRISBURG – The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has ruled that sexual abuse claims brought by an Altoona woman against her local Catholic Church diocese will remain time-barred, despite the issuance of a grand jury report in 2016 which confirmed a series of other abuse allegations levied against her assailant.
HARRISBURG – After Pennsylvania voters in last month’s primary election opted to amend the state constitution and limit emergency declaration powers for Gov. Tom Wolf and all future state governors, a Philadelphia attorney says that the move will compel cooperation between the executive and legislature branches.