
Woman's former attorney still wants to withdraw even though her new attorney was arrested on rape charges


Monday, March 31, 2025

Woman's former attorney still wants to withdraw even though her new attorney was arrested on rape charges


Andrew B. Shaw

PHILADELPHIA – The attorney for a woman who claims she was seriously injured in an automobile accident in West Philadelphia wishes to withdraw his representation.

Andrew B. Shaw filed his motion to withdraw appearance on Sept. 10 in the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas. Shaw says he began the instant litigation “in good faith” in April, but was then told by plaintiff Jessinter James on July 1 that she “decided to hire a new attorney” in Vincent Cirillo.

However, Shaw says Cirillo never officially entered his appearance. Subsequently, Cirillo was arrested on Sept. 1 on rape charges and was thus unable to represent James.

Shaw says he received a request from defense counsel to move forward with the case, but specified he is not able to make that determination since his client relieved him of his duties.

Shaw explained the matter’s arbitration date is currently slated for Feb. 9, which is more than enough advance time for James to retain new counsel.

A hearing in this matter was set for Thursday at Philadelphia City Hall, in Court chambers.

On Oct. 25, 2013, the plaintiff was traveling north in Philadelphia, in the vicinity of 65th Street at its intersection with Dicks Avenue. The defendant was parked at the northeast corner of the same intersection, and allegedly attempted to exit the parking spot directly to James’s right in order to make an abrupt U-Turn south onto 65th Street when the accident occurred. The suit says the collision caused “major side and front-end damage to James’s vehicle.

The plaintiff is seeking a sum not in excess of $50,000, plus attorney’s fees and costs in this case.

The defendant is represented by Karleen M. Krenicky of Hubshman Flood & Bullock in Plymouth Meeting.

Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas case 150400417

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nickpennrecord@gmail.com

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