
ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OF PENNSYLVANIA: U.S. Attorney Brady Announces Nearly $60 Million in Grants Available to Support Prisoners’ Successful Reentry into Their Communities


Saturday, February 22, 2025

ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OF PENNSYLVANIA: U.S. Attorney Brady Announces Nearly $60 Million in Grants Available to Support Prisoners’ Successful Reentry into Their Communities


U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania issued the following announcement on April 3.

U.S. Attorney Scott W. Brady announced that nearly $60 million in Department of Justice grants is available to support the successful reentry of justice involved individuals into communities. These funding opportunities are available for state and local governments, non-profit and for profit organizations, and institutes of higher education to support the successful reentry of adult and juvenile offenders into their communities.

"Ensuring the safe and successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals is an important component of our crime reduction strategy," said U.S. Attorney Brady. "These grants provide communities with the opportunity to develop and implement comprehensive and collaborative programs that effectively serve the needs of reentrants."

"Our nation is facing difficult public safety challenges that demand strong and immediate action. The high rate of recidivism poses a dire threat to community safety and is being met with a robust response by this Administration," said Katharine T. Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs. "The Department of Justice is front and center in the fight to meet this persistent challenge. OJP is making historic amounts of grant funding available to ensure that our communities have access to innovative and diverse solutions."

The funding is available through OJP, the federal government’s leading source of public safety funding and crime victim assistance in state, local and tribal jurisdictions. OJP’s programs support a wide array of activities and services, including adult and juvenile reentry initiatives and research projects designed to improve our knowledge of what works in reentry programming.

A number of funding opportunities are currently open, with several more opening in the near future.

Original source can be found here.


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