
California plaintiff sues Pa. trampoline park after breaking her right leg during visit in 2018


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

California plaintiff sues Pa. trampoline park after breaking her right leg during visit in 2018

Federal Court

PITTSBURGH – A California woman alleges she sustained a multitude of injuries to her right leg, including a broken leg, due to the negligent conduct of an urban trampoline park.

Courtney Barrett of Mammoth Lakes, Calif. filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania on Nov. 20 versus New American Adventures, LLC (doing business as “Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park”) and One American Way, LLC of Cranberry Township, plus UATP Management, LLC of Grapevine, Texas.

“Plaintiff visited the premises on or about Nov. 23, 2018, for the purpose of using the trampoline park. Plaintiff proceeded through an obstacle course and came to a portion colloquially called the ‘monkey bars,’ which is a series of swinging bars suspended by cables above a pit of plastic balls approximately one foot deep,” the suit says.

“Employees in the area were preoccupied with directing the large number of individuals using the equipment on the premises, and said employees failed to provide any instructions or warnings to plaintiff before she commenced using the monkey bars. Plaintiff’s feet hung approximately two feet above the surface of the ball pit while she attempted to traverse the monkey bars.”

At that point, the suit adds Barrett lost her grip and fell while negotiating the monkey bars, dropping into the ball pit beneath.

“The balls of the pit, approximately the size of baseballs and composed of light plastic, were rapidly displaced as she plunged through them and did little to arrest her fall. Plaintiff’s feet and body struck the hard surface at the bottom of the ball pit with the full weight of her fall,” the suit states.

As a result, Barrett suffered a variety of injuries, including a fracture to her right leg, tears, strains, and ruptures to ligaments and tendons in the legs, mobility deficits of her right leg and pain-limited function of her right leg, among others.

For multiple counts of negligence, the plaintiff is seeking damages, jointly and severally, in excess of $75,000, plus punitive damages, costs of suit and a trial by jury.

The plaintiff is represented Jonathan A. Orie of Orie & Zivic, in Pittsburgh.

The defendants have not yet obtained legal counsel.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania case 2:20-cv-01813

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com

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