
University of Pittsburgh claims it's owed $84K from Conn. disease research organization


Saturday, March 29, 2025

University of Pittsburgh claims it's owed $84K from Conn. disease research organization


Gebler | Swartz Campbell

PITTSBURGH – The University of Pittsburgh alleges that a Connecticut research group it had entered into a grant agreement with, has breached that contract for monies in excess of $84,000.

The University of Pittsburgh (of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education) filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania on April 26 versus PACS1 Syndrome Research Foundation, of Old Greenwich, Conn.

According to the suit, PACS1 Syndrome is “a condition caused by a genetic mutation in which all affected individuals have intellectual disability, speech and language problems, and a distinct facial appearance.”

The defendant foundation is focused on “finding therapeutic approaches to remove a toxic protein produced by the mutated PACS1 gene.”

“On or about Nov. 15, 2017, the University and PACS1 Foundation entered into a Research Grant Agreement, which provided for the investigation of ‘both the structure and biophysical properties of the wild type and R203W PACS-1 FBRs and identify the sites in the PACS-1FBR required for contacting client proteins and how the R203W mutation may alter these interactions.’ The Research Agreement identifies Gary Thomas, Ph.D as the principal investigator on behalf of the University. Dr. Thomas is a professor in the University’s School of Medicine. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and a member of the PACS1 Foundation scientific team, as identified on the PACS1 Foundation website,” the suit says.

“The Research Agreement was amended on Dec. 5, 2018 and July 15, 2020 which increased the budget for the PACS1 research. The Research Agreement, as amended, required Dr. Thomas to conduct certain research and, at the conclusion of the research, produce a report to the PACS1 Foundation outlining his findings. The Final Progress Report dated Nov. 10, 2021 was provided to counsel for the PACS1 Foundation by letter dated Nov. 30, 2021.”

The suit adds that the production of the Final Progress Report was delayed principally because of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of the plaintiff, generally and Dr. Thomas’s research team, specifically.

“During the course of the research, the University submitted invoices to the PACS1 Foundation pursuant to the terms of the Research Agreement for Dr. Thomas’s research, totaling $414,689.65. The PACS1 Foundation paid the University a total of $330,709.83. There remains an unpaid balance due and owing to the University by the PACS1 Foundation in the amount of $84,315.53 for the additional research performed by the plaintiff at the request of the defendant. The PACS1 Foundation has failed and refused to pay the outstanding balance of $84,315.53, in spite of numerous demands for payment,” the suit states.

For counts of breach of contract, quantum meruit and unjust enrichment, the plaintiff is seeking damages of $84,315.53, plus legal interest and costs of suit.

The plaintiff is represented by Thomas V. Gebler Jr. of Swartz Campbell and Shannon Huygens of the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of University Counsel, both in Pittsburgh.

The defendant has not yet secured legal counsel.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania case 2:22-cv-00630

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com

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