
Couple claim wife tripped on defective sidewalk in Etna


Friday, March 28, 2025

Couple claim wife tripped on defective sidewalk in Etna


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PITTSBURGH — A couple are claiming negligence against a homeowner and the Borough of Etna after the wife tripped on an allegedly defective sidewalk and suffered injuries. 

Patricia S. Hall and Rodney Hall filed a complaint in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County against the Borough of Etna and Katrina L. Trader alleging negligence. 

The Halls allege in their complaint that Patricia Hall was walking on a sidewalk located in front of Trader's residence on Kittanning Street in Pittsburgh on June 7, 2021. They claim Hall tripped and lost her balance due to uneven, cracked and deteriorated sidewalk pavement. 

The plaintiffs allege that Patricia Hall suffered a fracture, lacerations and other injuries as a result of her fall. They claim the defendants' negligence for permitting the dangerous and hazardous condition to exist, for failing to maintain or warn users of the dangerous condition on the sidewalk and for not blocking off the hazard. 

They also claim the defendants were negligent in the design, construction and maintenance of the premises. The plaintiffs allege the defendants were also negligent for failing to regularly and properly inspect the premises and repair or remove the defects. The Halls claim they have also incurred medical treatment expenses as a result of Patricia Hall's injuries. 

The Halls seek monetary relief, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. They are represented by John Nedlik of Woomer & Talarico in Pittsburgh. 


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