

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Suit: Former Brookville cop harassed woman on social media, stalked and assaulted her

Federal Court
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PITTSBURGH – A Clarion County woman claims that a now-former member of the Brookville Police Department sent her salacious messages through social media and when his advances were rebuffed, stalked and sexually assaulted her.

A.B. filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania on May 11 versus the Borough of Brookville and Justin C. Miller, former police officer of the Brookville Police Department.

“In early 2022, defendant Miller requested to be ‘friends’ with plaintiff on the social media platform Facebook, and plaintiff accepted defendant Miller’s friend request. Soon after the two became ‘Facebook friends,’ defendant Miller obtained plaintiff’s social media ‘SnapChat’ user name through Facebook. Defendant Miller requested to add plaintiff as his ‘friend’ on SnapChat where he began sending plaintiff messages that were sexual in nature,” the suit says.

“Soon after, plaintiff blocked defendant Miller on SnapChat, but then defendant Miller used his business SnapChat account and continued harassing plaintiff with frequent messages. During this same time, a marked Brookville police cruiser pulled into plaintiff’s driveway in the middle of the night. This caused plaintiff particular concern as her home is not located in the Brookville Police Department’s jurisdiction. Upon information and belief, the marked Brookville police cruiser was driven by defendant Miller as a tactic to stalk and harass plaintiff.”

The suit adds that on multiple occasions, the plaintiff noticed that a Brookville police cruiser would often follow her as she was driving. Upon information and belief, the Brookville police cruiser following her on the road was being operated by defendant Miller, again, as a tactic to stalk and harass the plaintiff.

“On March 18, 2022, [A.B.] was at Sheetz located at 300 West Main Street, Brookville, PA 15825, when she was approached by defendant Miller, who was wearing his Brookville police officer uniform. Upon information and belief, defendant Miller was stalking/following plaintiff in order to approach her in person. Defendant Miller then approached plaintiff from behind and groped her buttocks and groin area. Plaintiff, in shock, turned around and moved away from defendant Miller, as he asked her why she was being a ‘prude,” the suit states.

“Immediately after the assault occurred, plaintiff filed a report with the State Police; however, defendant Miller was still permitted to work for the Brookville Police Department for two more weeks. After that, defendant Miller was put on paid leave until he ultimately resigned from his position. As a result of the assault, defendant Miller was charged criminally with the following: Indecent assault without consent of other, harassment – lewd, threatening language and harassment – subject other to physical contact. On March 1, 2023, defendant Miller accepted a guilty plea, being convicted of simple assault. Upon information and belief, defendant Miller harassed, stalked, and assaulted other women, both as a Brookville police officer and when he was scheduled to work at Brookville High School.”

For counts of violating the plaintiff’s due process rights and implementation of municipal policies and practices that directly violate constitutional rights, failure to implement municipal policies to avoid constitutional deprivations and failure to train and supervise employees under color of state law, the plaintiff is seeking the following relief:

• A judgment against all defendants jointly and severally, awarding compensatory damages to the plaintiff in an amount to be determined by a jury and/or the Court;

• A judgment against defendant Miller awarding punitive damages to the plaintiff, in an amount to be determined by a jury and/or the Court;

• A monetary award for attorneys’ fees and the costs of this action, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 1988; and,

• Any other relief that this Court deems to be just, proper and equitable.

The plaintiff is represented by Sara J. Watkins of Robert Peirce & Associates, in Pittsburgh.

The defendants have not yet secured legal counsel.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania case 2:23-cv-00793

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com

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