
Former youth football coach and board member files defamation suit against citizen and official


Monday, March 31, 2025

Former youth football coach and board member files defamation suit against citizen and official

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MEDIA – A former youth football board member and coach contends he was defamed by both a private citizen and a fellow board member in emails referring to him as a “safety concern” and a “danger” to the children and families in the program.

Christo Garavelas filed suit in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas on Nov. 6 versus Haverford Youth Football & Cheer, Samantha Deignan and Paul Kilpatrick. All parties are of Havertown.

“During his association with defendant HYF&C, plaintiff served as a Board Member and as a 9U head football coach. Plaintiff at all times fulfilled his responsibilities as a Board Member and coach in a highly professional manner. Prior to the events complained of herein, plaintiff enjoyed a good reputation and was a highly-respected member of the local community,” the suit says.

“On Sept. 3, 2023, plaintiff was contacted by HYF&C Board Members Brian Yeager and Brian Bingaman, and asked to step down as head coach of the 9U team. Plaintiff was not provided a legitimate explanation for his removal. Plaintiff was also told by Yeager and Bingaman that he would, however, remain on the coaching staff as the offensive coach. As a result of the abrupt and disappointing manner in which he was removed as head coach, plaintiff resigned his position as Board Member of defendant HYF&C on Sept. 5, 2023.”

The suit adds that shortly after his resignation, defendant Deignan sent an email to both the plaintiff and HYF&C Board Members, where she explained that the plaintiff was being removed from all coaching duties in the program and referred to him as “a real and present danger…to the members and families of our organization.”

“The statements made by Deignan in the said email were false and known to be false by her when they were communicated to third-parties, in that plaintiff had at all times conducted himself in a courteous and professional manner while on the Board and as a coach. Upon information and belief, at the time the said email was disseminated by Deignan, she was neither a formal nor acting Board Member of defendant HYF&C. Shortly thereafter, on or about Sept. 5, 2023, a gathering of the

parents of children participating in the program was convened by defendant Kilpatrick and Bingaman in an open air pavilion located at the Reserve in Haverford Township,” the suit states.

“In attendance at that gathering were approximately 10 to 15 family members of children participating in defendant HYF&C’s youth program, including plaintiff’s wife as well as various passersby. During this public gathering, defendant Kilpatrick informed the group of individuals present that plaintiff had resigned his Board position and was relieved of all of his coaching duties as well. When questioned why plaintiff resigned from the Board and was removed from the coaching staff, Kilpatrick stated that plaintiff was a ‘safety concern’ and a ‘danger’ to the Board Members and youth families of HYF&C.”

The plaintiff asserts that Kilpatrick’s statement was also defamatory, that colleague Bingaman did nothing to contradict the defamatory statements and further argues that just two days before being labeled a “safety concern” and a “danger”, Bingaman confirmed in an email to plaintiff that even though he was being removed as head coach, he would still remain the coaching staff in another capacity.

For two counts of defamation per se, the plaintiff is seeking damages in excess of $50,000, plus costs and attorney’s fees that this Honorable Court deems necessary and just.

The plaintiff is represented by Kevin I. Lovitz of Lovitz Law Firm, in Philadelphia.

The defendants have not yet retained legal counsel.

Delaware County Court of Common Pleas case CV-2023-009490

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com

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