

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Aurora Zenunllari sues Daisy Laundromat for negligence leading to serious injury

State Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

In the Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Aurora Zenunllari has filed a lawsuit against Daisy Laundromat, LLC. The case ID is not provided in the document and the date of filing is also unspecified. Zenunllari, represented by Todd B. Jacobs and Iljaz “Eli” Shehu from Jacobs and Comerota, alleges that she suffered serious and potentially permanent injuries due to negligence on part of Daisy Laundromat.

On September 24, 2023, Zenunllari claims to have slipped and fallen due to an accumulated liquid substance on the bathroom floor at Daisy Laundromat's location in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. She argues that this created a dangerous condition which the defendant knew or had reason to know existed. Furthermore, she asserts that she acted in a careful manner and did not assume any risk of injury.

Zenunllari alleges that her injuries resulted directly from the negligence and carelessness of Daisy Laundromat. The defendant is accused of failing to maintain safe conditions at their premises, neglecting to warn persons about potential hazards, failing to implement remedial measures like placing warnings or barricades around known hazards, and overall negligence in maintaining safety standards.

Zenunllari seeks judgment against Daisy Laundromat for damages resulting from her fall. The specific amount claimed is not mentioned in the document provided.


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