

Friday, June 21, 2024

Customer Sues Chester Nail Salon Over Severe Pedicure Burns

State Court
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A recent court filing reveals a dramatic legal battle brewing in Chester, Pennsylvania. On June 6, 2024, Letitia Adams filed a complaint in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas against T & L Nail Salon and its associated entities and individuals, alleging severe negligence and recklessness that resulted in significant injuries.

According to the complaint, Adams visited T & L Nail Salon on March 29, 2023, for a pedicure. During the service, she was allegedly exposed to unsafe chemicals and scalding hot water, which led to third-degree burns on her left foot requiring surgery and skin grafting. The defendants named in the lawsuit include T & L Nail Salon, T & L Nail Salon Inc., Vo Tien, Thanh L. Cao, and several unidentified individuals referred to as John Doe #1-10.

Adams' complaint outlines multiple accusations against the defendants. She claims they failed to maintain a safe environment by using hazardous chemicals and not properly regulating water temperatures during pedicures. "Defendants had a duty to perform the pedicure Plaintiff received in a reasonably safe manner," states the complaint. It further alleges that the salon's staff were inadequately trained and supervised, leading to improper handling of dangerous substances.

The plaintiff is seeking compensatory damages exceeding $50,000 for her physical injuries, emotional distress, medical expenses, and diminished quality of life. The lawsuit also demands accountability from the defendants for their alleged failure to ensure customer safety through proper maintenance and training protocols.

Represented by Eli S. Levine of Morgan & Morgan PLLC, Adams hopes to hold T & L Nail Salon accountable for what she describes as gross negligence resulting in severe personal harm. The case will be presided over by judges from the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas under Case ID: 6FEF3A1E-E31D-4D8B-B32C-948724DF8ECE.


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