

Friday, June 21, 2024

Tenant Sues Property Management Companies Over Ceiling Collapse Injuries

State Court
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A Pennsylvania woman has filed a lawsuit against two property management companies, alleging severe negligence after a ceiling collapse in her apartment caused significant injuries. The complaint was filed by Linda Lattimer on June 7, 2024, in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, against Homes11, LLC and GMVM, LLC.

According to the court documents, Lattimer claims that on January 18, 2024, while she was cleaning up her son's toys in her first-floor apartment at 402 Center Street East Pittsburgh PA 15112, the ceiling suddenly collapsed. The debris struck her head violently and knocked her to the ground. Lattimer alleges that both Homes11 and GMVM were responsible for maintaining the property and failed to ensure its safety. She asserts that these companies were negligent in their duties to inspect, repair, and maintain the premises adequately.

The complaint details that Homes11 owned and managed the property while GMVM was responsible for its maintenance. It is claimed that both companies knew or should have known about the hazardous condition of the ceiling but failed to take necessary actions to prevent such an incident. "Defendant had a duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition and to warn of any dangerous conditions that it knew or should have known existed," states Lattimer's attorney Laura R. Signorelli from Morgan & Morgan Philadelphia PLLC.

Lattimer is seeking compensatory damages exceeding the arbitration limits of Allegheny County for medical expenses incurred due to her injuries which include concussion, light sensitivity, nausea, headaches, dizziness among others. She also claims lost wages and future medical costs as well as compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering.

The plaintiff argues that both defendants breached their duty by failing to adequately inspect and repair the ceiling despite being aware of its dangerous condition. The lawsuit accuses them of allowing a hazardous living area to exist on their premises and failing to notify or warn Lattimer about these dangers.

In addition to compensatory damages for medical expenses and lost wages, Lattimer seeks interest on these amounts along with costs of suit. She also demands any other relief deemed appropriate by the court.

The case is being handled by attorney Laura R. Signorelli from Morgan & Morgan Philadelphia PLLC while Judge [Name] presides over it under Case ID [ID].


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