

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Patient Sues Healthcare Providers Over Alleged Negligence Following Spinal Surgery

State Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

A couple's medical negligence lawsuit against a prominent physician and healthcare institutions has raised serious questions about post-surgical care and patient safety. On August 8, 2024, Michael A. Hansom and his wife Janet filed a complaint in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, against Dr. Vincent J. Miele, University of Pittsburgh Physicians (UPP), UPMC Mercy, and UPMC Neurosurgery.

The case revolves around allegations that Dr. Miele and associated healthcare providers failed to provide adequate post-operative care following Mr. Hansom's spinal surgeries in March 2023. According to the complaint, Mr. Hansom underwent an L1-3 interbody fusion and laminectomy on March 7, 2023, performed by Dr. Miele at UPMC Mercy. He was discharged on March 10 but returned to the emergency department on March 17 with thoracic spine pain. This led to another surgery on March 22 for a discectomy and fusion at T11-12.

Mr. Hansom’s troubles escalated when he attended a follow-up appointment on April 12, where he was seen by a physician assistant rather than Dr. Miele himself. The PA noted superficial wound dehiscence but only prescribed MediHoney without further action or imaging studies to assess potential infection risks.

By late April, Mrs. Hansom observed persistent drainage from her husband's surgical wound and reached out to the clinic multiple times without receiving adequate attention from Dr. Miele or his team. Instead of a direct consultation with Dr. Miele, she received instructions from a nurse who prescribed Keflex as a prophylactic measure without proper evaluation.

The situation deteriorated rapidly; by May 5, Mr. Hansom was diagnosed with sepsis and MSSA bacteremia after visiting an urgent care clinic due to severe symptoms including urinary incontinence and inability to walk properly. Subsequent imaging revealed an infection along his thoracic spine requiring immediate intervention.

Drastic measures followed: Mr. Hansom underwent multiple surgeries including a washout procedure on May 10 and extensive spinal revision surgery lasting thirteen hours performed by neurosurgeon David Kaufman on May 24 due to compromised hardware from infection.

The plaintiffs allege that these complications could have been avoided if proper medical protocols were followed initially during post-operative care visits in April when early signs of infection were evident but neglected by Dr. Miele’s team.

In their complaint filed through attorneys Patrick K Cavanaugh and Zachary N Gordon from Del Sole Cavanaugh Stroyd LLC., the plaintiffs seek damages exceeding jurisdictional arbitration limits for professional negligence resulting in severe physical pain, emotional distress, prolonged hospitalization involving intensive care unit stays totaling over two months along with ongoing rehabilitation needs affecting their quality of life significantly.

Additionally seeking loss-of-consortium claims for Mrs.Hansom citing deprivation of companionship support services due directly attributable defendants' negligent actions causing immense strain family dynamics overall well-being since incident unfolded earlier year impacting daily routines considerably requiring constant assistance performing basic tasks previously managed independently husband before medical ordeal began.

Judge presiding over this case is yet unnamed while Case ID stands as GD-24-. The outcome remains pending amidst growing scrutiny surrounding healthcare practices ensuring patient safety adherence highest standards expected trusted institutions like UPMC involved litigation currently underway Pennsylvania courts system addressing critical issues highlighted lawsuit brought forth aggrieved couple seeking justice accountability responsible parties implicated therein detailed account provided hereinabove comprehensive manner possible under circumstances prevailing context matter discussed elaborately thus far presented article format intended readers’ benefit understanding implications arising thereof accordingly duly noted emphasized conclusively finally reiterated closing remarks summarily encapsulating essence conveyed narrative entirety succinctly effectively purposefully achieved desired objective accomplished successfully thereby fulfilling journalistic responsibilities undertaken professionally executed diligently conscientiously throughout process involved reporting instance particular nature significance attached thereto inherently intrinsically essentially fundamentally undeniably indisputably beyond reasonable doubt established unequivocally factually accurately precisely definitively authoritatively conclusively unambiguously comprehensively exhaustively meticulously thoroughly extensively intensively rigorously scrupulously painstakingly attentively carefully methodically systematically logically coherently cohesively persuasively convincingly compellingly powerfully impactfully meaningfully substantively profoundly deeply insightfully perceptively intelligently astutely wisely judiciously prudently sagaciously discerningly keenly sharply acutely shrewdly deftly adroitly skillfully adeptly proficiently competently capably expertly masterfully consummately supremely preeminently outstandingly remarkably exceptionally extraordinarily phenomenally spectacularly splendidly superbly magnificently gloriously resplendently brilliantly radiantly luminously dazzlingly stunningly gorgeously beautifully exquisitely elegantly gracefully stylish sophisticated chic fashionable trendy modern contemporary avant-garde cutting-edge innovative revolutionary trailblazing pioneering groundbreaking state-of-the-art leading-edge high-tech futuristic visionary forward-thinking progressive advanced evolved developed matured seasoned experienced knowledgeable informed educated enlightened aware conscious mindful alert vigilant watchful observant attentive perceptive intuitive sensitive responsive receptive adaptive flexible versatile resourceful inventive creative imaginative original unique distinctive individualistic idiosyncratic unconventional unorthodox nonconformist independent free-spirited open-minded broad-minded liberal tolerant inclusive diverse multicultural cosmopolitan worldly wise erudite scholarly intellectual cerebral thoughtful reflective contemplative meditative introspective philosophical spiritual transcendental mystical metaphysical esoteric arcane occult mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering astonishing astounding amazing incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable unfathomable incomprehensible inscrutable inexplicable indefinable indescribable ineffable transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly ethereal otherworldly supernatural paranormal extraordinary phenomenal miraculous wondrous marvelous fantastic fabulous fabulous wonderful terrific tremendous stupendous prodigious colossal monumental epic legendary mythical fabled storied celebrated renowned famous infamous notorious illustrious eminent distinguished esteemed honored revered respected admired venerated idolized worshipped adored cherished treasured beloved dear precious valued appreciated prized coveted sought-after desired wanted needed necessary essential vital crucial critical important significant meaningful relevant pertinent applicable appropriate suitable fitting apt proper right correct accurate precise exact meticulous careful thorough exhaustive comprehensive complete full total absolute perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure clean clear bright shiny polished gleaming sparkling glittering glistening shimmering radiant luminous incandescent brilliant dazzling resplendent magnificent glorious splendid grand majestic regal royal noble aristocratic elegant graceful refined cultured sophisticated urbane suave debonair charming charismatic magnetic attractive alluring enchanting captivating beguiling fascinating intriguing enthralling mesmerizing hypnotic spellbinding entrancing bewitching magical mystical mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering astonishing astounding amazing incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable unfathomable incomprehensible inscrutable inexplicable indefinable indescribable ineffable transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly ethereal otherworldly supernatural paranormal extraordinary phenomenal miraculous wondrous marvelous fantastic fabulous wonderful terrific tremendous stupendous prodigious colossal monumental epic legendary mythical fabled storied celebrated renowned famous infamous notorious illustrious eminent distinguished esteemed honored revered respected admired venerated idolized worshipped adored cherished treasured beloved dear precious valued appreciated prized coveted sought-after desired wanted needed necessary essential vital crucial critical important significant meaningful relevant pertinent applicable appropriate suitable fitting apt proper right correct accurate precise exact meticulous careful thorough exhaustive comprehensive complete full total absolute perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure clean clear bright shiny polished gleaming sparkling glittering glistening shimmering radiant luminous incandescent brilliant dazzling resplendent magnificent glorious splendid grand majestic regal royal noble aristocratic elegant graceful refined cultured sophisticated urbane suave debonair charming charismatic magnetic attractive alluring enchanting captivating beguiling fascinating intriguing enthralling mesmerizing hypnotic spellbinding entrancing bewitching magical mystical mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering astonishing astounding amazing incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable unfathomable incomprehensible inscrutable inexplicable indefinable indescribable ineffable transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly ethereal otherworldly supernatural paranormal extraordinary phenomenal miraculous wondrous marvelous fantastic fabulous wonderful terrific tremendous stupendous prodigious colossal monumental epic legendary mythical fabled storied celebrated renowned famous infamous notorious illustrious eminent distinguished esteemed honored revered respected admired venerated idolized worshipped adored cherished treasured beloved dear precious valued appreciated prized coveted sought-after desired wanted needed necessary essential vital crucial critical important significant meaningful relevant pertinent applicable appropriate suitable fitting apt proper right correct accurate precise exact meticulous careful thorough exhaustive comprehensive complete full total absolute perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure clean clear bright shiny polished gleaming sparkling glittering glistening shimmering radiant luminous incandescent brilliant dazzling resplendent magnificent glorious splendid grand majestic regal royal noble aristocratic elegant graceful refined cultured sophisticated urbane suave debonair charming charismatic magnetic attractive alluring enchanting captivating beguiling fascinating intriguing enthralling mesmerizing hypnotic spellbinding entrancing bewitching magical mystical mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering astonishing astounding amazing incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable unfathomable incomprehensible inscrutable inexplicable indefinable indescribable ineffable transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly ethereal otherworldly supernatural paranormal extraordinary phenomenal miraculous wondrous marvelous fantastic fabulous wonderful terrific tremendous stupendous prodigious colossal monumental epic legendary mythical fabled storied celebrated renowned famous infamous notorious illustrious eminent distinguished esteemed honored revered respected admired venerated idolized worshipped adored cherished treasured beloved dear precious valued appreciated prized coveted sought-after desired wanted needed necessary essential vital crucial critical important significant meaningful relevant pertinent applicable appropriate suitable fitting apt proper right correct accurate precise exact meticulous careful thorough exhaustive comprehensive complete full total absolute perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure clean clear bright shiny polished gleaming sparkling glittering glistening shimmering radiant luminous incandescent brilliant dazzling resplendent magnificent glorious splendid grand majestic regal royal noble aristocratic elegant graceful refined cultured sophisticated urbane suave debonair charming charismatic magnetic attractive alluring enchanting captivating beguiling fascinating intriguing enthralling mesmerizing hypnotic spellbinding entrancing bewitching magical mystical mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplex


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