

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tenant Sues Executor Over Negligence Leading To Severe Injuries

State Court
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A Wilmington woman is seeking justice after a dangerous fall in her rented home left her with severe injuries. Mary Bowen filed a complaint on August 12, 2024, in the Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, against Louis Angelo Dinafo Jr., the executor of the estate of Dianne Decocinis.

The lawsuit centers around an incident that occurred on August 20, 2022. According to the complaint, Bowen was a tenant at a property owned by Decocinis located at 596 Meetinghouse Road, Upper Chichester, PA. Bowen claims that despite numerous complaints about the instability and insufficient height of a handrail on the stairwell leading to her unit, no action was taken to rectify the issue. On the morning of August 20th, as she attempted to exit her home via this stairwell, the handrail shifted causing her to lose her footing and fall down the stairs.

Bowen's fall resulted in multiple injuries including a fractured humerus, fracture below the kneecap, tear in rotator cuff, anterior rib buckling/deformities among others. The complaint alleges that these injuries were directly caused by the negligence and carelessness of Decocinis for failing to maintain safe conditions on the property. Specifically, it accuses Decocinis of not properly affixing or maintaining the handrail and not complying with local building regulations.

In addition to physical injuries, Bowen claims emotional distress and loss of life's pleasures due to this incident. She asserts that she has incurred significant medical expenses and lost earnings as a result of her injuries. The lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $50,000 along with interest, costs and delay damages.

Representing Mary Bowen are attorneys Francis J. Curran Jr. and Ryan F. Curran from The Curran Firm P.C.


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