

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Local Resident Sues Delaware County Housing Authority Over Negligence Leading To Severe Injuries

State Court
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A local resident has filed a lawsuit against the Delaware County Housing Authority, alleging negligence that led to serious injuries. Donna Gray, through her attorney Jamie T. Wiggins of Solomon, Berschler, Campbell & Thomas, P.C., filed the complaint in the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County on September 5, 2024.

The case revolves around an incident that occurred on September 6, 2022. According to the complaint, Gray was walking near properties located at 400 and 402 4th Street in Upland, Pennsylvania when she tripped over an unguarded and unwarned pipe that was inconspicuously raised beyond the surrounding walking surface. The lawsuit claims that this dangerous condition had existed for a long time and that the Delaware County Housing Authority had either actual or constructive notice of it but failed to remedy or warn about it.

Gray alleges that as a result of this fall, she sustained severe injuries including fractures and severe aggravation of pre-existing conditions. The complaint details multiple injuries such as pain in her knees and right elbow, a depressed fracture of the tibial plateau extending into the joint space, knee fracture, joint effusion, severe aggravation of osteoarthritis, right elbow effusion with impacted radial head fracture, right wrist pain and sprain/strain among others. These injuries have required potent pain medication and surgical intervention.

The plaintiff argues that the Delaware County Housing Authority was negligent in maintaining their property by allowing such a hazardous condition to exist without proper warnings or repairs. The lawsuit states: "All Defendants knew or should have known of the existence of the aforementioned dangerous condition...and were obligated to remedy, repair, eliminate said dangerous condition and/or warn the Plaintiff of its existence." Gray also asserts that she acted in a careful manner and did not contribute to her own injuries.

Gray is seeking judgment against all defendants—Delaware County Housing Authority along with unnamed John/Jane Doe(s) and ABC Corporation(s)—in excess of $50,000. She is also requesting compensation for medical expenses incurred due to her injuries as well as future medical costs and loss of earnings.

Representing Donna Gray is Jamie T. Wiggins from Solomon, Berschler, Campbell & Thomas P.C.


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