PITTSBURGH – Verizon is taking a Pittsburgh energy supplier to court after sustaining damages to its equipment and facilities when a steam pipe allegedly controlled by the defendant burst underneath a city intersection.
Verizon Pennsylvania, LLC of Basking Ridge, N.J., filed suit in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas on June 29 versus Pittsburgh Allegheny County Thermal Ltd. (PACT), of Pittsburgh.
Per the lawsuit, Verizon owned underground facilities in the vicinity of 1st Avenue and Municipal Court Drive in Pittsburgh, while PACT owned and maintained steam pipes and steam delivery facilities in proximity to that very same area.
“As of Nov. 12, 2018, the steam pipes and steam delivery facilities owned by PACT cracked and broke and allowed for a release of steam from the steam pipes and steam delivery facilities. The break and the release of steam impacted and damaged Verizon’s facilities which were in the vicinity of the steam pipes and steam delivery facilities, including a nine-conduit bank,” according to the lawsuit.
“PACT, by and through its agents, servants, employees, contractors and/or subcontractors acting in the course and scope of their employment, failed to maintain the subject steam pipes and steam delivery facilities, causing them to crack, break and allow steam to escape, which damaged Verizon’s facilities.”
Due to the incident, Verizon’s conduit was melted and damaged, which necessitated a removal of the damaged conduit and placement of a new conduit and split-duct conduit. Verizon sustained damages of $428,756.53 in the process, the suit says.
For counts of negligence and nuisance, the plaintiff is seeking an unspecified amount in damages, plus costs, attorney’s fees and all other just and equitable relief as the Court deems appropriate.
The plaintiff is represented by Andrew L. Salvatore in West Chester.
The defendant has not yet secured legal counsel.
Allegheny Court of Common Pleas case GD-20-007237
From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com