

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Suit: Falling tree limb injures dog-walker at Pittsburgh's Frick Park

Park 09

PITTSBURGH — A couple allege the husband suffered injuries when a tree limb fell on him as he was on a walking trail in Pittsburgh's Frick Park. 

James Sheehan and Lauren O'Neill-Sheehan filed a complaint Jan. 28 in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County against the City of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy alleging negligence. 

According to the plaintiffs' complaint, James Sheehan was walking his dog at Frick Park on Beechwood Boulevard in Pittsburgh on March 29, 2020. They allege that as he was walking along the paved trail at the intersection of Tranquil Trail near Ralls Ravine, he was struck by a branch that broke off from a large London Planetree which fell onto the path. 

The plaintiffs claim Sheehan suffered a fractured left radius, bruises and abrasions to his arm, mental anguish and loss of earnings and incurred $1,500 in medical bills as a result of his injuries. They allege the defendants' negligence for failing to inspect and maintain the park and keep its trails in a safe condition for pedestrians. They also allege the defendants knew or should have known that the trees posed a high risk of its branches falling and failed to post warnings barriers or around the area. 

The plaintiffs seek monetary relief, trial by jury and all other just relief. They are represented by William Goodrich and Bianca DiNardo of Goodrich & Geist PC in Pittsburgh.  

Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County case number GD-22

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