

Friday, September 13, 2024

Lawsuit: Amusement park visitor injured when riding "Serpentine Slide"


Giannetti | Swartz Culleton

PITTSBURGH – A visitor to a Ligonier amusement park last year claims that she was severely injured when riding a waterslide amusement attraction known as the “Serpentine Slide.”

Marilyn Nock of Trafford first filed suit in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas on Jan. 4 versus Palace Entertainment Holdings, LLC (doing business as “Idlewild Park”), of West Homestead.

“On or about May 30, 2022, plaintiff Marilyn Nock, was lawfully on the aforesaid premises, when suddenly and without warning – and as a direct result of a defective and/or dangerous condition(s) of the premises – plaintiff was propelled to the bottom of the certain waterslide landing pool (otherwise known as a “splash pool”) attached to the Serpentine Slide amusement waterpark attraction, where she made violent contact with the bottom of the pool surface. As a result of the defective condition(s) located on defendant’s premises, plaintiff suffered severe and permanent injuries as more fully described herein,” the suit says.

“At all times material herein, Palace Entertainment, by and through its respective trustees, directors, agents, servants, workmen, employees and/or other representatives, acting within the course and scope of their employment, knew of the aforementioned dangerous and/or defective condition(s) of the Serpentine Slide and/or its attached landing pool area, failing to remedy the dangerous condition(s) before plaintiff was injured.”

The suit adds that, among other negligent safety lapses, the defendant failed to adequately and timely repair defects to the aforesaid premises, failed to correct a dangerous and hazardous condition of which they were aware or should have been aware, failed to warn people lawfully upon its premises, such as the plaintiff, of the aforesaid dangerous condition and otherwise failed to provide a safe place for persons lawfully upon its premises, such as the plaintiff.

“As a result of the aforesaid negligence of the defendant, plaintiff suffered severe injuries, including, but not limited to, a fractured right ankle, as well as aches, pains, mental anxiety and anguish, and a severe shock to her entire nervous system. Plaintiff has in the past and will in the future undergo severe pain and suffering as a result of which she has been in the past and will in the future be unable to engage in her usual activities, all to her great detriment and loss,” the suit states.

For a lone count of premises liability negligence, the plaintiff is seeking damages in excess of $50,000.

The plaintiff is represented by Anthony J. Giannetti and Adam D. Shorr of Swartz Culleton, in Pittsburgh.

The defendant has not yet obtained legal counsel.

Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas case GD-23-000108

From the Pennsylvania Record: Reach Courts Reporter Nicholas Malfitano at nick.malfitano@therecordinc.com


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