
Stories by Noddy A. Fernandez on Pennsylvania Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Noddy A. Fernandez News

Parent claims School District of Philadelphia failed to provide educational accommodations to her child

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A mother and her minor child are suing a school district, citing alleged breach of duty and disability discrimination.

Government sues nonprofit for attempt at making 'consumption' rooms where heroin could be used

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — The United States of America is suing a nonprofit corporation, citing alleged unlawful prescription of controlled substances.

Disabled inmate files lawsuit against Montgomery County, citing civil rights violations

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A jail inmate is suing a correctional facility, citing alleged violation of civil rights.

Allegheny Technologies is named in class action suit alleging unjust enrichment

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PITTSBURGH — An employee has filed a class action lawsuit against Allegheny Techonologies Inc., citing alleged unjust enrichment and unpaid wages.

Lawsuit: Hershey forced out older white employees for young minority hires

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
SCRANTON — An employee is suing The Hershey Co., citing alleged fraudulent inducement and wrongful termination.

Asbestos lawsuit filed by former employee of J&L Hazelwood

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PITTSBURGH — A couple is suing a man's former employer, citing alleged premises liability and failure to warn related to the presence of asbestos.

Ellsworth Mews Townhomes is accused of discriminating against a resident who has a disability

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
ERIE — Residents are suing a townhouse/condominium association, citing alleged breach of contract, disability discrimination and retaliation.

M.H. Eby seeks relief after dealer agreement with Timpte Industries is terminated

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A trailer/truck manufacturer is suing a commodity trailer manufacturer, citing alleged breach of contract.

Plumber claims Aramark terminated him after he reported asbestos in the workplace

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — An employee is suing a food service facility, citing alleged failure to protect.

Luzerne Co. cop, accused of forcing women to perform oral sex, hit with civil lawsuit

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
SCRANTON — Legal troubles continue for a Luzerne County cop accused of forcing women to perform non-consensual sex acts.

Company says email was hacked, blames firm for not advising it to get computer fraud insurance

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A gift distribution company is suing a global insurance broker, citing alleged broker malpractice.

Reading School District teacher claims she was denied advancement opportunity due to disability

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — An elementary school teacher is suing Reading School District, citing alleged disability discrimination.

Social media posts lead to landlord vs. tenant lawsuit

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PITTSBURGH — A realty company is suing a tenant, citing alleged defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Glen-Gery Corp. accuses former employee of sharing confidential information

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A manufacturing company is suing a former employee and competitor, citing alleged breach of contract and misappropriation of likeness.

Plaintiff says AG's narcotics department falsely arrested her

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A Leesport woman is suing state government officials, citing alleged assault and violation of civil rights.

Fired physical therapist claims Reliant Pro Rehab engaged in Medicare fraud

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
MEDIA — A physical therapist is suing a rehabilitation facility, citing alleged retaliation and wrongful termination.

Student claims he was wrongfully expelled from University of the Sciences after sex assault investigation

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — A student is suing a university, citing alleged breach of contract, sexual discrimination and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Man claims he was falsely arrested, had money stolen by Philadelphia police

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
PHILADELPHIA — An individual is suing Philadelphia Police Department officers, citing alleged abuse and violation of federal law.

Staff nurse claims she was terminated by Bethlen Home due to her disability

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
ERIE — A staff nurse is suing a nursing home, citing alleged disability discrimination, retaliation and wrongful discharge.

Nonprofit organization claims Farmers Inn violated Endangered Species Act

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
ERIE — A nonprofit organization is suing an animal keeper, citing alleged abuse of animals, negligence and public nuisance.